A moment
Region : Japan
Year : 2022
Limited manufacturing by hand. Please see the details on SHIMASHIMA SHOP..
Shifting lights and shadows, overlapping expressions, the swaying of a gentle breeze…
A moment is inspired by the centuries-old traditional Japanese art of "Ikebana," or Japanese flower-arrangement, which not only utilizes the silver ratio but is also considered to be one of the standards of Japanese beauty. It creates a beautiful world different from nature by taking plants and trees away from their natural state and reconstructing them, leveraging their natural qualities and characteristics such as shape and color. It is a testament to the knowledge and sense of beauty of our ancestors and how they incorporated the irregularities seen in nature into their lives.
I encourage everyone to try and find the silver ratio in an object that changes from moment to moment.
A momentは、古来より日本の美の基準として扱われてきた白銀比を用いる”いけばな”に着想を得ています。自然の草木をいったん切り取り、生育していた時の姿、あるいは形や色や質といった特性を生かして再構成し、自然とは異なる美の世界を作り出す”いけばな”。先人が見出してきたその美の意識に習い、自然の中に見る不規則性を生活の中に取り込み、趣を感じるためのプロダクトです。